
Welcome to an underwater world with the world ocean at its center. In our new underground aquarium hall we show, among other things, one of Europe’s largest aquarium for living corals.

A Subterranean Aquarium

At the centre of the Aquarium Hall, the focus is on the oceans, and their organisms and environments are displayed and explored in various ways. Habitats from various parts of the oceans are shown in different types of aquarium biotopes. The biotopes form the basis of the exhibition, and the aquariums allow various subjects to be studied from different perspectives using different means, including interactivity stations. Around 15 aquariums is on display in the aquarium hall. A few will be cast in situ, including the largest, a 400,000 litre aquarium, where a living coral reef will be built.

The Ocean Lab

The Ocean Lab part of the project focuses on marine education and provides school classes and other visitors with an opportunity to explore the sea and its habitats in a more hands-on way through lab benches, experimental aquariums and petting tanks. Ocean Lab also provides excellent means for presenting the aquarium’s own research, such as the cultivation of corals, and offers an opportunity for visitors to take part in various research projects.

Check out the new Aquarium

An underwater world focusing on the ocean. The largest collection of live corals in Europe. A public marine research laboratory and an exhibition about the importance of the sea for all life. Dive behind the scenes and check out the highlights of the new Aquarium.

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Discover a living coral reef

In Korallhavet [the Coral Sea], visitors can view endangered stony corals and learn how a coral reef grows over time. This is one of Europe’s largest aquariums for live corals – and is also a living gene bank.

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